Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thomas Jefferson & Burger King

Thomas Jefferson, some of you may remember him; he was one of the founding fathers of this nation, once said: "I find the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."

Now a lot of us can equate work with, say, the gym, all the sweat and pain and fatigue. But what about the training table and what we eat? Call it clean eating or eating clean.

It doesn't take much effort or sweat the next time you get hungry to jump into the car, whip over to Burger King drive through and order a Whopper. By the way, it's been reported that one Whopper, not those you toss on the cheese or whatever extras you like, contains 35 to 37 tablespoons of fat. And it's a fairly sure bet most of that fat is the unhealthy kind, just the kind you don't want.

So imagine what it would be like the next time you rolled up to the takeout window at BK and instead of a burger they handed you a sack with a tablespoon, some napkins and a plastic bowl full of fat. Now it's safe to say old Thomas never saw a car let along guide one through a fast food drive-in joint.

The point is: It takes some work and effort to eat clean. For one month just give it half the effort most of us put in at the gym and see how much luck you have at achieving your goal.

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